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What does the Library have to do with National Men’s Health Month?

What does the Library have to do with National Men’s Health Month?

May 10, 2022

The month of June highlights men’s health, and Mid-Continent Public Library is here to help! Although many individuals, including men, take excellent care of their health, there are also those who don’t—sometimes this is out of sheer lack of perception, but more often than not, this is because those individuals lack the resources to maintain their health. You might think a public library is the last place where you would find these kinds of resources, but in today’s world, public libraries are an excellent place to look to for resources in maintaining your health (plus your healthcare provider, of course).

Mid-Continent Public Library strives to make sure this is a possibility for any and everyone. In the online catalog, individuals can find all kinds of materials regarding various health concerns—from books on food and nutrition to manage your health and weight, to information on fitness and how to participate in an activity, such as yoga. There are even books that provide insight into the treatment of certain medical conditions—even when those conditions are unique to men’s health, such as prostate cancer. These are just a fraction of the physical items you can discover, in addition to MCPL’s online resources.

If you are confused by a medical prognosis, or simply curious about medical terminology, it might be helpful for you to utilize a Health and Well-Being database, such as the Nursing and Allied Health database. Mid-Continent Public Library even provides programs (now held in-person and virtually) to help you maintain your well-being. Plus, having received a grant with funding from the American Rescue Plan and administered by the Missouri State Library, MCPL now offers Access Wellness Kits. These kits can help all individuals, including men during this Men’s Health Month. With an Access Wellness Kit, men have the tools to keep track of their blood pressure, track their weight, and even check their blood oxygen levels with a pulse oximeter. 

In addition, MCPL often partners with local county health departments to provide further resources to individuals. With so many tools available, we encourage all individuals who are curious about their health, especially men during the month of June, to stop by their local MCPL branch, or visit the Library’s virtual branch (including the Access Wellness webpage) today! Any staff member will be happy to help you access your wellness!

So, why wait any longer?

Kayla V.
Platte City Branch

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