About MCPL's Board of Trustees
Mid-Continent Public Library is governed by a twelve member Board of Trustees. By Missouri Statute, each county in the library district may appoint four representatives to the Board. The Clay County Commission, Platte County Commission, and the Jackson County Executive make these appointments annually.
Contact the Board directly at board@mymcpl.org, at (816)521-7213, or send written correspondence to:
Board of Trustees
Mid-Continent Public Library
15616 E. US Hwy 24
Independence, MO 64050
Board Meetings
MCPL's Online Board Management Site (BoardDocs) can provide you with most of the information regarding past and upcoming board meetings including:
- Notices of upcoming board meeting information (Notices are also posted on a bulletin board in the lobby of the Administrative Headquarters building)
- Minutes of previous meetings (Typically the most current minutes are posted, pending adoption and approval. That step usually occurs at the next meeting of the Board.)
- Policies, strategic plans, supporting documents, and a wealth of information about MCPL (Under the "Library" tab)
Typically, the Library Board meets on the third Tuesday every month at the Administrative Headquarters building. If you would like to attend a meeting, please contact us so we can verify that the meeting has not been moved or postponed. You can also follow a Board Meeting live on our Board Meeting Scoreboard. As a political subdivision of the state of Missouri, Mid-Continent Public Library adheres to the Missouri "Sunshine Law."
The current Board Policy was updated in January 2021.
Upcoming Board Meetings
Visit BoardDocs for information about the next upcoming meeting.
Watch the Live Board Meeting on our YouTube channel
You can also follow the agenda and board voting on our live Board Meeting Scoreboard. For more information on following a committee meeting live, please visit our BoardDocs site.
Public Comments
As outlined in RSMO 610, the Mid-Continent Public Library Board of Trustees shall permit any interested person to observe any open meeting of the Board or a Committee of the Board either in person or online and as close to in real time.
Residents of the Library District may address the Board on any subject germane to the operation of Mid-Continent Public Library. Those wishing to address the Board shall notify the Board Secretary up to 48 hours before the meeting. The Board Secretary may use a form to manage public comments. This form may include (but not be limited to) the speaker's name, subject matter, home address and telephone number.
Whether the person chooses to speak or not, all public comment forms will be added to the public record and will be distributed to all Board members. All governance meetings shall contain an agenda item for public comments. The Board President shall allocate no more than thirty minutes to this part of the agenda.
Meet the MCPL Board of Trustees
Ronald Thiewes
Clay County, President
Michael Lazio
Platte County, Vice President
Bob Johnson
Jackson County, Treasurer
Gordon Cook
Platte County
Marcie Gragg
Jackson County
Aaron Jung
Platte County
Lori LeMunyon
Lori LeMunyon
Clay County
Dr. Yummy Pandolfi
Platte County
Noelle Stepp
Clay County
Joycelyn Tucker Burgo
Jackson County
Dr. Susan B. Wilson
Jackson County
Michelle Wycoff
Clay County