New to eBooks? Try Libby, by OverDrive
If you are new to eBooks, we recommend you try the Libby, by OverDrive app.
If you would like hands-on help, please visit one of our branches and ask a staff member or come to an upcoming Tech Talk program.
Libby by Overdrive - Downloading the App
Learn how to download and set up the Libby, by OverDrive app.
Troubleshooting Libby or OverDrive
If you need help troubleshooting problems with your OverDrive or Libby ebook reader, please start with the OverDrive Help or Libby Help websites. If that still doesn’t work, reach out to us or visit a branch, and Library staff will be happy to assist.
Questions About Fees
If you have a question about fees from the Library, contact staff at your local branch by email, phone or a visit. Fees for lost items that have recently been returned may take a couple of days to be fully processed by staff and the system. You can check an item-by-item listing of fees on your account online.
Library Card Look Up
Library Card Look Up
Lost your card number? Use this form to receive your card number by email.