
All MCPL branches will be closed on February 17 for Presidents Day. Our Virtual Branch is available 24/7.

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Conduct Policy

In order to provide an atmosphere conducive to the appropriate use of Mid-Continent Public Library (MCPL) services and facilities, customers are required to comply with this policy while on MCPL property. MCPL property includes all buildings, entryways, sidewalks, parking lots, and surrounding grounds, unless otherwise noted. Children under the age of six must be supervised by someone 14 or older.

Failure to comply with MCPL’s established rules and regulations may result in permanent expulsion from the property and/or in arrest and prosecution. The following actions are prohibited:

  • Any behavior that is disruptive to MCPL customers or staff.
  • Any other conduct that violates Federal, State, or local law, ordinance, regulation, or MCPL policy.
  • Selling and soliciting for services, money, or items.
  • Possessing a weapon of any kind, unless authorized by law.
  • Theft or damage of Library materials.
  • Soliciting customers to sign petitions or give them information on various viewpoints unless at least 25 feet away from MCPL entrances. Solicitors may not approach customers, but they may display signs and make themselves available for inquiry outside the 25-foot limit. Political signage may not be left on MCPL property except on an election day if the branch is a polling location.
  • Trespassing on MCPL property.
  • Violation of the MCPL Acceptable Use of Electronic Resources Policy.
  • Distributing unapproved printed materials/literature.
  • Possessing, consuming, or being under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs.
  • Smoking, tobacco use, or electronic cigarette use in MCPL buildings or within 25 feet of entryways, operational windows, or air intakes. Woodneath Library Center operates a tobacco-free campus.
  • Consuming snacks near Library equipment or beverages not in MCPL-approved containers.
  • Sleeping and/or misusing or rearranging MCPL furniture.
  • Not wearing shoes or a shirt; or wearing clothing deemed offensive.
  • Bringing animals into the MCPL buildings other than assistance animals.
  • Leaving any person in need of transportation, including a child, at any MCPL facility after closing time in accordance with the MCPL closing procedures.
  • Misuse of restrooms. No changing of clothes, shaving, or bathing is allowed.

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