June 27, 2022
July 2 is World UFO Day, established as a day for enthusiasts of spaceships, unidentified flying objects, and little green men, to watch the sky and collectively come together to discuss the existence that we are not alone. Both scientifically and theatrically, the topic fascinates the curious mind.
Public interest in UFOs began to grow in the 1940s, with the start of the atomic age and the beginnings of space advancements. The Roswell Incident in 1947 and the recovery of balloon debris caused interest to intensify when Roswell Army Airfield issued a press release stating that they had recovered a “flying disc,” which they later retracted, but not before conspiracy theories took hold.
I've read an interesting selection of books that clearly show (in my opinion) that the Roswell Incident is debunked. However, many more incidents of UFO interactions have been recorded and even photographed, which gives credibility to the idea of other life out there.
The topic of UFOs will always ignite an exciting discussion, with documents and testimonials available to get you thinking. Could it be real? What do you think?
Here are a few reads to get you started:
- Roswell: The Ultimate Cold Case by Thomas J. Carey
- Encounter in Rendlesham Forest by Nick Pope (This is one of my favorites!)
- The Interrupted Journey: Two Lost Hours Aboard a UFO—The Abduction of Betty and Barney Hill by John G. Fuller
- Unacknowledged: An Exposé of the World’s Greatest Secret by Steven M. Greer
- UFOs caught on Film: Amazing Evidence of Alien Visitors to Earth by B.J. Booth
Informational DVDs:
- The Unexplained, Season 1, hosted by William Shatner (History Channel)
- UFO (Showtime documentary from executive producer JJ Abrams)
- Area 51 Declassified (National Geographic)
- UFO Hunters, Season 1 (History Channel)
The truth is out there…somewhere!
Lisa P.
Information and Reader Services
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