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Too Hot Outside? Try Watercolor!

Too Hot Outside? Try Watercolor!

July 1, 2022

July is Watercolor Month, making it an excellent time to explore art! It was established by artist and Doodlewash founder Charlie O’Shields to celebrate the watercolor medium in a fun way. National Watercolor Day occurs in November to honor Mexican artist Alfredo Guati Rojo.

Watercolor is one of the oldest art forms, dating back to prehistoric cave art. It was commonly used in Ancient Egypt and Ancient China. In fact, the first paint brush was said to be invented by Meng Tian in 300 B.C. China. Did you know that the Sistine Chapel’s iconic ceiling, painted by Michelangelo in 1512, used a water-based paint? That is one big watercolor project!  

If you’re new to watercolor, find instruction through MCPL’s online databases. All you need is your Library card number and PIN. First, go to the Research and Learning tab on the Library’s website. Then, click on the Online Learning tab, which will take you to these resources. Try using Universal Class to earn free CEUs (continuing education units) from over 500 self-paced courses. This includes Watercolor Painting 101, Mixed Media Art, Interior Design 101, How to Draw 101, Acrylic Painting 101, and Calligraphy.

If you’ve never used Universal Class, simply create an easy-to-remember login with your email and password. By the way, the hundreds of courses are completely free with your Library card. It’s not just a class either! You can have discussions with your fellow classmates, contact the teaching professional, and print out worksheets, lessons, and a legitimate CEU certification with your finishing grade. Who would guess that watercolor art could be added as a special skill on your resume?

In Libby by OverDrive, there are over 32 instructional eBooks on watercolor. This will help you avoid any potential paint splattering. Need more professional instruction? Check out Access Video on Demand. There are over 80 applied art classes. Each video is divided into segments, so if you miss something, you can pause, rewind, or skip around to capture what you want to know.

Want a physical book about watercolor? The Library’s collection boasts over 250 titles of differing watercolor styles and for different skill levels. From Manga to mythology, fauna to animals, constellations to portraits, there are so many options to choose from. And don’t forget to check out the events page on MCPL’s website and register for an arts instruction class, offered in person and virtually throughout the year, including the all-new, all-year Access Art.

Pick up some paper, brushes, and paints, and then dream, imagine, and create your own work of art! The possibilities of what you can accomplish with watercolor are endless.

Happy Watercolor Month!

Andrew E.
Red Bridge Branch

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