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Public Computers

computer users

Each Library branch has computers for public use. You can check email, surf the web, search for a job, or write a paper.

To use the public computers, you will need your library card number and PIN. Each computer session will last 60 minutes. If no one is waiting to use the computer, you can extend your session in 30-minute increments. Customers under 18 will have filtered access to the Internet while customers over 18 may choose filtered or unfiltered.

Before being able to use a public computer, you will need to accept our Acceptable Use Policy.

Wi-Fi Service Gets a Boost

MCPL has installed technology at all its locations to boost Wi-Fi signals outside the branch buildings, expanding public access to high-speed Wi-Fi for students and others in the community. The project was funded by a CARES Act grant (Coronovirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security), administered by the Missouri State Library.


Printing charges for non-MCPL website items are $.10 per page for black and white and $.50 per page for color. Customers may not bring in their own paper for printing documents (resumes, etc.).

External CD/DVD Drives

For public computers which do not have an internal disc (CD/DVD) drive, an external drive may be available for checkout upon request. 

  • External drives checkout for a period of one day
  • External drives are for in-branch use only
  • External drives might not be able to play movies, music, or perform any other data retrieval action if it requires downloading and installing software on a public computer

Audio Connection

Headphones with a standard 3.5mm audio connector can be used with our computers.

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