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Exploring Race in Society

Explore research topics concerning race, ethnicity, diversity, and inclusiveness through a variety of mediums such as books, academic peer-reviewed articles, journals, and personal essays. This resource is valuable for students, teachers, parents, and anyone interested in engaging with the nuanced conversation concerning race. Stay informed and discover actionable steps you can take.

Topics include:

  • Affirmative Action
  • Black Lives Matter Movement
  • COVID-19 and Communities of Color
  • Digital Divide
  • Environmental Racism / Environmental Justice
  • Food Insecurity
  • Intersectionality
  • Jim Crow Laws and Segregation
  • Neighborhood Gentrification
  • Police Use of Force
  • School-to-Prison Pipeline
  • Sports Team Branding Changes
  • Voting Rights and Voter Suppression
  • Wealth Gap


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