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Help! DND Has Taken Over My Life

Help! DND has taken over my life

August 30, 2023

Back in February, I wrote a blog post about trying DND for the first time. If you want to read about it, check it out here. It’s now been seven months and DND has taken over my life.

I started with an intro session that I found through ReRoll Tavern and now I play a weekly game with fellow nerds. I’ve also built a table in my basement specifically designed for playing games, painted figurines on a Friday Night, and have bugged anyone who will listen to me talk endlessly about all the cool things I’ve encountered while playing. (Like, do you know what a mimic is? Not fun to try and open a door that’s not a door).

I definitely don’t know everything there is to know about this interesting tabletop game, but I have found a newfound appreciation for dice.

In the introduction group, I started by playing Adventurers’ League in the Forgotten Realms. I’ve also tried Spelljammer, a few homebrew games, and right now, my group is playing Odyssey of the Dragonlords.

I’ve also experimented by playing with a couple of different characters and have enjoyed seeing how a diverse group can help the whole team succeed. For example, playing a wizard is all well and good, but if you have an entire group full of just wizards, there’s a good chance your group won’t survive a dragon encounter at level one.

I have played a tiefling, a druid, a barbarian, and a tabaxi ranger. I like the tabaxi because I got to be a cat. And I liked playing the Barbarian because I got to be strong and rage.

If you haven’t had a chance to see the movie Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves, then I highly encourage you to put a hold on it and give it a go. It’s worth a watch.

If you’re interested in exploring the Fantasy Fiction genre, some of our fantastic library workers have put together lists centered around Historical Fantasy, Epic Fantasy, and Magical Realism. You can learn more about our fantasy collection here.

Teens who are interested in playing can register on MCPL’s event page.

For anyone who’s an adult like me, there are lots of community resources for learning how to play the game and you can always reserve a room at any MCPL branch if your group needs a place to play!

In short, DND has taken over my life and I think you should let it take over yours, too. Try it out!

Meghan Bing
Electronic Resources Librarian

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