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Books to Movies

Books to Movies

December 14, 2022

I am an avid fan of book-to-movie adaptations, both to see a book I've enjoyed reading and others I haven't. 

It's been a few years since I was a cinema manager—(cough) over 20 years! I remember the first showing of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by J.K. Rowling. It is the only film I have ever experienced where an audience of 250 adults and children instantly fell silent as the opening credits started. It certainly was a testament to the book's draw. 

Another memorable adaptation was the first installment of The Lord of the Rings by J. R. R. Tolkien. This was an interesting experience as the credits rolled! Some viewers exited the theater confused there wasn't an ending. We'd explain this was the first in a trilogy and they'd need to come back next December! Most movie goers’ replies were, “I can't wait that long!” I can only imagine how many copies of the trilogy were sold during that time. 

It is a great enticement to pick up the book when you've found a movie that's captured your attention. I know I'm not alone, as publishers will reissue the book to accompany the film and MCPL holds follow suit! I also recommend book adaptations for book groups. You'll have various opinions on discussion topics such as casting, how the actor interprets the character, and of course, those movies that put their own spin on the book (“inspired by”). 

Interested in watching an adaptation and reading the book?  I've compiled a list of books brought to the screen this year, where both movie and book are available:

Books to Movies 2022

Enjoy the magic of books to movies!  

 Lisa P.
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