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Documentaries Worth Watching on Access Video on Demand


January 16, 2025

Did you know that you can access thousands of high-quality documentaries and educational videos from home? All you need is your Library card!

Access Video on Demand and Access and Just for Kids Access Video both give you a place to learn through the art of film and documentaries. No matter what you’re interested in, there is something new and informative for you to enjoy. Listed below are some of the ones that I have enjoyed.

 Earth Science: Are you interested in geology, oceanography, or natural disasters? Check out this category on their website.

  • Secrets of the Abyss: Explore the great expanses of the ocean alongside NOAA oceanic scientists. You will learn about shipwrecks, seafloor species, and the vital role of ocean science in preserving our planet’s future.

Crime & Law: Are you a true crime junkie or someone interested in the criminal justice system? Learn more here.

  • DNA: the End of Crime: Learn about how advancements in science have changed how criminals are prosecuted. DNA evidence has been used to discover previously undiscovered killers and save innocent people accused of crimes they didn’t commit.
  • The Janes: Follow along the story of a group of women in 1972 who illegally organized resources for women seeking abortions in the pre-Roe v. Wade era.

Space: Got your eyes on the skies? Learn more about our solar system and what lies beyond.

  • Sky Candy: This series contains 18 videos on space-related topics, ranging from star clusters to dark matter. If you ever need to remind yourself of the vastness of the universe, these are worth checking out.

Music: Are you interested in learning more about arts and culture? Check out this documentary!

  • Betty: They Say I’m Different: Watch this documentary to learn about the intriguing life of Betty Davis, the original funk queen. She faced major obstacles, including racism, in the 1970s to become a star in the music industry. And then, one day, she suddenly vanished. What happened?

For the Kids:  Do you know a kid who loves video games and cartoons? Check out the entertaining kids’ shows available streaming on this platform.

  • Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog: This TV show is perfect for adults who want to share a bit of nostalgia with their kiddos before or after settling in for a weekend of gaming. Perfect to check out if you recently saw the full-length adaptation of Sonic and want more.

Access Video on Demand offers over 40,000 videos available on streaming. Feel free to visit a local branch and ask a librarian for suggestions on the topics that interest you. Or share your favorite documentary with us!

Meghan P.
Electronic Resources Librarian

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